On 1 January 2009 the Hague Convention of 13 January 2000 on the International Protection of Adults (Hague Protection of Adults Convention) entered into force for Germany. The Convention establishes common rules for Contracting States with regard to jurisdiction in cross-border cases concerning the protection of adults (e.g. guardianship, curatorship etc.) and which law has to be applied. In addition, the Convention contains rules ensuring the smooth implementation of decisions concerning the protection of adults in all Contracting States. The German implementing provisions are contained in the Act to Implement the Hague Convention of 13 January 2000 on the International Protection of Adults (Protection of Adults Convention Implementation Act – PACIA).
The Federal Office of Justice is the German Central Authority for the Hague Protection of Adults Convention. It co-operates with the Central Authorities of other Contracting States. Moreover, it promotes co-operation amongst the authorities in Germany dealing with protection of adults matters and with the relevant services in other Contracting States. The Federal Office of Justice transmits requests and communications (e.g., concerning the establishment of a guardianship or its recognition in another Contracting State) to the competent body in Germany or abroad. It provides assistance to the competent authorities of other Contracting States in discovering the whereabouts of an adult where it appears that the adult may be present and in need of protection in Germany.