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Cross-border recovery of maintenance

On the following pages we would like to present you selected information regarding the activities of the German Federal Office of Justice as Central Authority in cases related to cross-border recovery of maintenance, including child support.

The Federal Office of Justice (Bundesamt für Justiz) in Bonn is the Central Authority in Germany for the assertion of claims both in and out of court in cases related to cross-border recovery of maintenance. The Federal Office of Justice does not charge any fees for its services.

The German Foreign Maintenance Act (“Auslandsunterhaltsgesetz” – AUG) forms the framework for asserting statutory maintenance claims in proceedings in accordance with the EC Maintenance Regulation, the 2007 Hague Maintenance Convention, the 1956 UN Maintenance Convention and in the case of states with formal reciprocity. The application of the respective type of procedure depends on the place of residence of the applicant and of the respondent.

Contact details

Federal Office of Justice
Central Authority
- Cross-border Recovery of Maintenance -
50394 Bonn

Phone: + 49 228 99 410-6434
Fax: +49 228 410-5202


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