The certificate of conduct, sometimes referred to as a "police check", "background check" or "criminal records check", is an official document printed on special green paper which shows whether or not an individual has previously been convicted of a criminal offence. This data on previous convictions comes from the Federal Central Criminal Register, of which the certificate of conduct is what is known as an "excerpt".
You may need a certificate of conduct for a variety of reasons: If you are starting a new job, or if you need a permit from a public authority, for example if you are applying for a taxi licence, or wish to carry out voluntary work with vulnerable people.
You can apply for a certificate of conduct either by going to your local residents’ registration authority (Einwohnermeldebehörde) or straight from the Federal Office of Justice website:
In order to apply for a certificate of conduct online, all you need is a German identity card activated for online use and a smartphone equipped with NFC technology with an app such as the free "AusweisApp2" from the German government installed on it.
More about applying online and evidence and information you will need to provide
Different types of certificate of conduct
Various types of certificate of conduct are issued depending on the purpose:
- A certificate of conduct for personal use ("simplified", “basic” or “standard” certificate of conduct) is issued, for example, when a prospective employer wishes to see evidence of your good character. The certificate of conduct is issued by the Federal Office of Justice and sent directly to the applicant personally.
The certificate of conduct for submission to a public authority (e.g. when you are applying for a driving licence) contains, alongside criminal convictions, certain decisions made by administrative authorities (e.g. the revocation of a licence to practise a particular profession). A certificate of conduct for submission to a public authority in Germany is sent directly to the authority in question.
An enhanced certificate of conduct, sometimes referred to as an extended certificate of conduct, is required by individuals wishing to work with children and young people (e.g. at schools or sports clubs). It contains entries that are of particular significance when assessing the suitability of individuals to work with children and young people.
A European certificate of conduct is sent to individuals who, instead of or as well as being German nationals, are nationals of other Member States of the European Union or of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Applying from within Germany
If you are aged 14 or over, you can apply for a certificate of conduct in the following ways:
- In person or - with an official or publicly certified signature – in writing at your local residents’ registration authority (e.g. at a town hall or citizens’ office (Bürgerbüro) in Germany). Your residents’ registration authority will be able to inform you which documents you require to make a written application. Your application will then be forwarded to the Federal Office of Justice.
Using the online portal of the Federal Office of Justice:
- If you are exempt from the obligation to register your residence or are of no fixed abode, you can make your application at the residents’ registration authority for the area in which you usually reside or spend your time.
- Where the person concerned has a legal representative (e.g. in the case of minors), that individual too is entitled to make an application. Where the person concerned is not capable of conducting legal business, only the legal representative can make an application. Legal representatives must provide evidence that they are authorised to act when making the application. It is not possible to do so using an ad hoc power of attorney or one-off authorisation.
Certificates of conduct can also be collected in person at the Federal Office of Justice. You can only do this if you bring both the original application handed to you at the residents’ registration authority and official photographic identification. If you have applied for a European certificate of conduct, i.e. if you are, instead of or as well as being a German national, a national of one or more other EU Member states, you will not be able to collect your certificate of conduct in person. Please note that you will not be able to collect your certificate of conduct from the Federal Office of Justice if you applied online.
Address for in-person visits:
Federal Office of Justice (Bundesamt für Justiz)
– "Besucherservice" (Visitors’ Centre) –
Adenauerallee 99 – 103
53113 Bonn, Germany
Opening hours:
Monday to Thursday: 7.30am to 4pm
Friday: 7.30am to 2pm
A certificate of conduct costs EUR 13.00. You pay the fee when you make your application, either at the residents’ registration authority or online. If you apply online, you can pay the fee using "Giropay" or a credit card.
Fee exemption:
In some circumstances, the fees may be waived:
Applying from abroad
If you live outside Germany, you can apply direct at the Federal Office of Justice in the following ways:
Using the online portal of the Federal Office of Justice:
In writing:
Bundesamt für Justiz (Federal Office of Justice)
Internationale Registerangelegenheiten
53094 Bonn, Germany
When using a courier service (express delivery):Bundesamt für Justiz
Internationale Registerangelegenheiten
Adenauerallee 99-103
53113 Bonn
- In person:
Federal Office of Justice (Bundesamt für Justiz)
– "Besucherservice" (Visitors’ Centre) –
Adenauerallee 99 – 103
53113 Bonn, Germany - Opening hours:
The visitors’ centre is open Monday to Thursday from 7.30am to 4pm and Fridays from 7.30am to 2pm.
You can use the following forms for applying in writing:
The application must contain your complete personal details and address and be signed by hand. The personal details and the signature have to be officially certified (by a German diplomatic or consular representation, a public authority of a country other than Germany or a notary public). You must submit your original application. You cannot make an application by fax or e-mail.
If you are applying for a certificate of conduct for submission to a German public authority, please state the purpose of the application as well as the name and address of the authority. The certificate of conduct will then be sent straight to the authority in question. However, you can also apply for the certificate of conduct, in the event that anything has been recorded in it against your name, to be sent to an official representation (i.e. an embassy or a consulate) of the Federal Republic of Germany of your choice, so that you can view it there. Once you have viewed your certificate of conduct, it can be forwarded to the relevant German authority, or if you do not consent to this, destroyed by the German representation.
A certificate of conduct costs EUR 13.00. Please transfer the fee to the account of the Federal Office of Justice using the following bank details:
Bundesamt für Justiz
IBAN : DE49370000000038001005
Payment reference: File number (if you have one) and your full name
Please note that it is no longer possible to pay the fee by cheque.
The certificate of conduct can only be issued once the fee has been received. Please include proof of payment with your application.
You will find more detailed information in our FAQs regarding:
Over-authentication, apostilles and final authentication
View more questions
What is in a certificate of conduct?
Online application
As well as being able to apply at your local residents’ registration office, you can make your application online:
In order to apply for a certificate of conduct online, all you need is a German identity card activated for online use and a smartphone equipped with NFC technology with an app such as the free "AusweisApp2" from the German government installed on it.
So that personal details can be read, you will need a German identity card or residence permit with online capabilities. If you possess a German identity card and it was issued after July 2017, the online features are activated by default. To check whether the online identity card function is activated, you can use the "check device and ID card" feature in the AusweisApp2 on your smartphone, or contact your local citizens’ office (Bürgeramt).
During the application process, you may need to submit further documents as supporting evidence. This is the case if you:
- Have an electronic German identity card issued before 22 June 2012 or an electronic residence permit issued before 1 December 2014. In such cases, you will need to provide separate proof of your birth name if this is different to your current name and add this by hand to the application.
- Are applying on behalf of a person who you represent in a legal capacity. In such a case, you will need to provide evidence of who the person being represented is and of your authorisation to represent them official matters.
- Require an enhanced certificate of conduct. The certification as required by Sec. 30a Federal Central Criminal Register Act (Bundeszentralregistergesetz) must be uploaded.
- Are applying for an exemption from the fees. Evidence will be required of your reason for an exemption.
- State a nationality other than German. An image from the photograph page of your passport or a certificate of nationality needs to be uploaded.
If the certificate of conduct is being submitted to a public authority in Germany, please state the full address of said authority.
Contact details
If you have any questions, please use the contact form with the subjects "Certificate of conduct" or "Certificate of conduct for use outside Germany".
Please note: You cannot use the contact form to apply for a certificate of conduct.
In the event of questions about applying online for certificates of conduct, you can use the contact form in the online portal.
How to contact us by phone if you have questions relating to:
- Applying for certificates of conduct
Phone: +49 (0) 228 99 410 6801
Tuesday to Thursday 9am to 12 noon. - Applying online for certificates of conduct and information from the Trade and Industry Register (Applying online for certificates of conduct and information from the Trade and Industry Register (Gewerbezentralregister)
Phone: +49 (0) 228 99 410 5550
Monday to Thursday: 8am to 4pm.
Friday 8am to 2:30pm - Applying for certificates of conduct from abroad, European certificates of conduct and over-authentication (Überbeglaubigung)
Phone: +49 (0) 228 99 410 5668
Tuesdays to Thursdays: 9am to 12 noon
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